In just over a year, Minneapolis businesses will no longer be allowed to pack customers' purchases in plastic bags.
The Minneapolis City Council voted 10-3 on Friday to ban plastic bags at store checkouts and impose a 5-cent fee on each paper bag. To get around the paper-bag fee, businesses can opt to donate 5 cents to litter-cleanup groups for every paper, compostable or reusable bag they hand out. The bag ban will go into effect on June 1, 2017.
Supporters of the ordinance, including its council sponsors Cam Gordon and Abdi Warsame, said it will help change behavior, cut down on litter and get the city closer to its zero-waste goals. Gordon said the plan was modeled after ordinances in other cities, including Seattle and Cambridge, Mass., and drafted to avoid loopholes that made other cities' bans less effective.
"I am excited that we've landed on something," he said. "I know that the city isn't united on it, but I also know that by and large, people are enthusiastic and ready to make this move."
The Minneapolis ordinance applies specifically to bags provided at cash registers. It exempts bags without handles that are used to pack produce, bulk goods, frozen foods, flowers, baked goods, newspapers, prescription drugs and dry cleaning, among others. It also does not apply to compostable bags that meet specific environmental standards.
Officials are still sorting out the specifics of enforcement and how much that work will cost the city. Council members on Friday directed city staff members to come back with a report on those issues by late January. The council also voted to start developing a city program for recycling plastic bags and the plastic film commonly used to wrap items in stores.
The paper bag fees paid by customers would be kept by businesses as a way to offset the higher cost of those bags.
Several council members said they support efforts to reduce waste and get more people making environmentally friendly decisions. Some, however, worried that the bag ban would have little impact on bigger problems, including litter. Council Member Andrew Johnson showed several bags filled with 498 pieces of litter he said he'd collected in about an hour. He said just seven of them were plastic bags.